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FancyBox for login?
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TOPIC: FancyBox for login?
FancyBox for login? 15 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 0
I'm interested in clicking a 'login'-link and then display a pop-up with prompt for username and password (and maybe 'remember me') and submit.

Can this be done with the help of fancy-box? Do you have a working sample??

If so - I'm ready to buy!

- odde
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Re:FancyBox for login? 15 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 762

If you use Joomla 1.5 and want to place Joomla! login module to 'ARI Fancy Box', you can do the following:

1) Create new position in your template file. For this open template .XML file, which is located by the following path <joomla_dir>/templates/<template_name>/templateDetails.xml , and add <position>login</position> to <positions> section.

2) Create a copy of Joomla! login module on 'Extensions->Module Manager' page.

3) Configure new login module and set 'Position' option to 'login'.

4) Add 'ARI Fancy Box' plugin code to article or to 'ARI Smart Content' module. It will look like:

{arijfancybox width="350" height="200" title="Login Form"}
{loadposition login}

5) That's all. Now you can see on your Joomla! pages login link. If you click by this link, you see 'ARI Fancy Box' popup with standard Joomla! login form.

ARI Soft
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