Privacy Policy |
ARI Soft Privacy Policy is deeply committed to protecting the privacy of our customers. We do not track, collect or distribute personal information about visitors of our website. The only information we track is about the visits to our web sites: we compile statistics that show the daily number of visitors to our sites, the daily requests we receive for particular files on our web sites, and what countries those requests come from. This information is used to help us make our services better and the statistics contain no personal information and cannot be used to gather such information. If you decide to register on our website and forum your personal information required by register process will be added to our user database. If you would like to remove your information from our user database we will delete all your personal data. Your personal information will not be released to third parties and shared among other users except to further the purpose for which you had provided the information, such as making specific requests for information, or if you request that your email be forwarded. There are no other circumstances under which we will provide or sell personal information to third parties.