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Accordion does not seem to work
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TOPIC: Accordion does not seem to work
Accordion does not seem to work 15 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 0
My accordion plugin is locked with all the slider controls open. They do not seem to respond. They were working until I tried to embed a sortable table plugin. then they stopped.

www.elkrab.net => Minutes and agendas

a little advice please?
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Re:Accordion does not seem to work 15 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 762

Your Joomla! system uses MooTools javascript library, but 'ARI JTableSorter', 'ARI JAccordion' and 'ARI JTabView' use jQuery javascript library. This 2 library conflict. For resolve this, set 'No conflict' option on 'ARI JQuery Loader' plugin settings page to 'Yes', please. We also found another problem, it seems that you use WYSIWYG edtior and type code in it, but if you open this code in 'HTML' mode in your editor, you can find that it adds unnecessary HTML tags such br, p, which brake correct plugins layout.

ARI Soft
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Re:Accordion does not seem to work 15 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 0
Thank you. Where are you guys located?
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Re:Accordion does not seem to work 15 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 762
You are welcome. We are located in Ukraine.

ARI Soft
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Re:Accordion does not seem to work 15 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 0
I also have the same problem with 'ARI JAccordion'.

I've changed the settings as you've specified - the changes I've made:
- set 'No conflict' option on 'ARI JQuery Loader' plugin settings page to 'Yes' AND
- removed all the unnecessary HTML tags in my code editor.
But still my page is static and does not seem to respond to anything. I have even changed the theme of the accordion in the backend, but this change also don't seem to work in the front-end.

my page parameters are (as per various examples on this plugin):
{arijaccordion animated="easeslide" width="400" active="false" alwaysOpen="False" className="acord"}

am I missing something? - any advice please?

p.s. Raymond, I see that on your website, that your accordion is still not working???
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Re:Accordion does not seem to work 15 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 762

Check, please, that you have generated license for correct domain and enter it on 'License' page on the component backend, check also 'Diagnostics' page, this page helps indicate most common errors. And provide, please, full plugin code which you use in article because your code:

{arijaccordion animated="easeslide" width="400" active="false" alwaysOpen="False" className="acord"}

is incorrect if you want to use it for static accordion items.

PS: If you can provide temporary access to your Joomla! backend by email(info@ari-soft.com), we can help you resolve issue more faster.

ARI Soft
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