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Photo-Titles with csv
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TOPIC: Photo-Titles with csv
Photo-Titles with csv 14 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 0
Hello ARI-Team
I've done following:
1) folder-creation: Joomla/images/ARI_Fotogalerien/2010_Grillfest
2) put in the folder: various images and csv-File 2010_Grillfest.csv, comma-separated, 1. column Image-Filename, 2. column Photo-Title, saved as utf-8#
3) configured Plugin/modul with actual csv-filename

What happened:
1) Pictures are shown corect
2) but no titles are shown

What could be wrong???

Another question: If I want to place 2 Galleries in separate articles, do I have to make copies of module/plugin?

Thanks for upcoming help

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Re:Photo-Titles with csv 14 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 760

Regarding the first question, could you provide temporary to your Joomla! backend by email and say page where we can see this issue that we can investigate this issue. It can be problem with incorrect format of CSV file or module settings. About the second question, you can create several instance of 'ARI Photo Gallery' module and use it in an article. Use 'Copy' or 'New' button on 'Extension -> Modules Manager' page for this purpose.

ARI Soft
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Re:Photo-Titles with csv 14 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 0
have a look at your E-Mail-Box please

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Re:Photo-Titles with csv 14 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 760
Check your mail, please, we have sent corrected CSV file. In brief, column names are case-sensetive and it should be "File" and "Title" like in sample CSV file.

ARI Soft
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Re:Photo-Titles with csv - problem solved 14 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 0
Dear ARI-Team,

thanks for another perfect help: The reason was indeed, that I wrote incorrect .csv-fle
All's working perfectly now!

best regards
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