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Use this content type to show photos from Flickr service. The extension requires Flickr API key to work with Flickr content. If you want to show private images from your photosets (collections, groups and etc.) enter secret Flickr key and Flickr token. They can be generated here. After indicating Flickr API key, specify thumbnail and image size. One note, you can use 'Original' value only if it is permitted by photo owner. You can read about this limitation here. Then choose source type in "Source" drop-down (this extension can load photos from photosets, collections, groups and etc.). If you have a problem with finding photoset ID (collection ID, group ID and etc.), you can use this service to indicate it. The last step is choosing layout type. You can read more about it in Image Gallery topic.


Flickr API key is API key which can be generated on Flickr site. It is required to work with Flickr content.

Flickr secrey key is required if you want to work with private photos from your Flickr albums. It can be generated here.

Flickr token is required if you want to work with private photos from your Flickr albums. It can be generated here.

Cache time is a duration in seconds during which the extension will use cached data instead of requesting it from Flickr service. If you don't want to use cache, set this parameter to 0 or leave empty, however we don't recommend it.

Thumbnail size is a size of thumbnails which will be shown on a page and trigger the lightbox with large image when a user clicks on a thumbnail.

Image size is a size of large images which will be shown into the lightbox.

Image count indicates the quantity of photos that will be loaded from an album. Enter an integer number start from 0. If parameter is set to "0", all images will be loaded.

Random is used to indicate select images in random order or not.

Caption template is used to specify a caption template which will be used to create titles shown into the lightbox. It is possible to use the following predefined variables:

o {$dateUpload} is a date when an image uploaded.

o {$lastUpdate} is a date when an image has been updated last time.

o {$Title} is a title.

Source is used to specify the location of Flickr images which your want to load.

o Collection is used to show photos from Flickr collection(s).

User ID is ID of a Flickr user. If you want to enter several ID, separate them by semicolons.

Collection ID is ID of a Flickr photo collection. If you want to enter several ID, separate them by semicolons.

o Groups is used to show photos from Flickr groups(s).

Group ID is ID of a Flickr photo group. If you want to enter several ID, separate them by semicolons.

o Photosets is used to show photos from Flickr photosets(s).

Photoset ID is ID of a Flickr photoset. If you want to enter several ID, separate them by semicolons.

o User photosets is used to show photos from Flickr photosetss of selected Flickr user(s).

User ID is ID of a Flickr user. If you want to enter several ID, separate them by semicolons.

o Recent user photos is used to show photos recently uploaded by selected Flickr user(s).

User ID is ID of a Flickr user. If you want to enter several ID, separate them by semicolons.

Layout type parameters are described here.

Sample configuration