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How to filter table by a dropdown list
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TOPIC: How to filter table by a dropdown list
How to filter table by a dropdown list 11 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 0
I need to show a table, filtered by the value of a dropdown list (comboUserID) that is automatically filled when the page is loaded.

So I fill this listbox using a jumi script in php, which reads from a db and "echos" a form containing the dropdown list(<select id='comboUserId'... />) within the article.

Then I want to use the mod_aridatatables module to show only the records of my table where userID = the selected entry of comboUserId.

Now I know how to filter by a variable "prepared" in class.DataTablesDataSqlModel, or using a GET/POST value ({REQUEST:$comboUserID}).

But the point is that when the form is loaded the 1st time, no value is posted.

I'd love to configure the SQL query of the mod_aridatatables using something like "SELECT * FROM ORDERS WHERE USERID={REQUEST:$comboUserID}", however this does not work when the form is loaded for the 1st time.

What's the right practice to accomplish this standard behaviour?

Thanks in advance,

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Re:How to filter table by a dropdown list 11 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 754

Use the following SQL query:

({$REQUEST:comboUserID|empty:''} = '' OR USERID={$REQUEST:comboUserID|empty:''})

ARI Soft
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Re:How to filter table by a dropdown list 11 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 0
thanks for your answer. I'm afraid I didn't explain well.

The point is that {REQUEST:$comboUserID} is seen BLANK by the ARI module when the page is loaded the first time, because the page is loaded through a link of menu item (mysite/index.php/myorders) and thus no POST/GET variables are set. However, as said I build the dropdown list and I select one entry during the page loading.

So I need that the ARI module "reads" the variable from the drop down list control that is on the page, rather than from a POST variable because no POST variables are set.

Of course, if I do a SUBMIT of this page on itself, the next time the ARI module CAN retrieve the drop down list entry through {$REQUEST:comboUserID}. But I need it does it even for the 1st page loading.


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Re:How to filter table by a dropdown list 11 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 754
Do you want to specify a default value if "comboUserID" request variable it not defined?

ARI Soft
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Re:How to filter table by a dropdown list 11 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 0
By definition, a combo box is always set. So it is for this one, which is initialized during the form load event. Then I use a PHP script to choose which entry should be selected within the combo box. So I must read that value, maybe with something like document.myForm.comboUserID.options[document.myForm.comboUserID.selectedIndex].value.

I even tried to set $_POST["comboUserID"] within the same PHP script, however this value is not ready by the ARI module when it tries to read it.


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Re:How to filter table by a dropdown list 11 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 754
Could you provide a link to a page where you use the extension and a temporary access to your J! backend by email so we can try to help modify PHP code which is used in JUMI?

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