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Configure common modules parameters as for a regular Joomla! module. The tutorial on how to configure common module parameters is here.

After this configure module specific parameters on the right side of module settings page.

Lightbox elements


Include jQuery indicates if the extension should load jQuery library or not. The lightbox uses jQuery library, but if jQuery library is loaded on your site by a site template or a 3rd party extension, you can set the parameter to "No" to improve performance. Set this parameter to "No" only if you understand what you are doing.

Load jQuery method parameter provides an ability to specify how to load jQuery library. The extension can load jQuery library from Google CDN (it requires Internet connection, but decreases loading of your server) or a local copy of jQuery library (use this method if your site is located on your local machine or in intranet and it is impossible to connect to the Internet).

jQuery version parameter provides an ability to choose what jQuery version will be loaded by the extension. This parameter works if "Load jQuery method" parameter is set to "Google CDN".

jQuery noConflict indicates if the extension should call jQuery.noConflict() method to avoid conflicts with other javascript libraries or not. Set this parameter to "No" only if you understand what you are doing.

Show download icon parameter is used to show download in lightbox for images so that a user can open loaded image in a new window or save it. See element #1 on Lightbox elements image.

Show download icon on mouse over if this parameter is set to "Yes" and "Show download icon" is set to "Yes", download icon will be shown only when a user's  mouse is over the lightbox.

Download icon tooltip is shown when a user's mouse is over download icon.

Open on load indicates if the lightbox should be opened when a page is loaded or not. If you always want to open the lightbox when a page is opened, set the parameter to "Yes". If you want to open the lightbox when a user opens a page at the first time, set the parameter to "Only once" value.

Open on leaving page indicates if standard confirmation window should be shown when a user tries to leave a page and if s/he clicks "Cancel" button, the lightbox appears. If the parameter is set to "Only once" value, the lightbox will be shown only at the first visit.

Leaving message will be shown in confirmation window when a user tries to leave a page if "Open on leaving page" parameter is set to "Yes" or to "Only once".

Auto show delay is a delay in seconds after which the lightbox will be shown if "Open on leaving page" is set to "Yes" or to "Only once".

Auto close delay is a delay in seconds after which the lightbox will be closed if "Open on leaving page" is set to "Yes" or to "Only once".

Cookie duration parameter is used to indicate the period of time in days when the lightbox will be open again for "Only once" option of "Open on load" parameter. Set this parameter to "0" if you want to open the lightbox on each new browser session.

Module Class Suffix is a standard Joomla! parameter for modules. More information about the parameter is here.

Overlay color is used to specify the color of overlay element (see element #6 on the picture above).

Overlay opacity indicates opacity of overlay element (see element #6 on the picture above). Use a real number from 0 to 1.

Modal mode is used to activate modal mode. A user can close the lightbox only by clicking "Close" button in modal mode otherwise s/he can click anywhere on overlay  and the lightbox will be closed.

Disable right click is used to disable mouse right click for images which are shown into the lightbox. It is used to hide browser's context menu and hide ability to save images to a hard drive.

Enable SlideShow is used to enable slideshow mode. Play/Pause buttons (see elements #4 on the picture above) appears in slideshow mode and the lightbox can change items automatically.

Pause duration is a delay in milliseconds between changing items in slideshow mode.

Auto start SlideShow indicates if the extensions should change item automatically in slideshow mode when the lightbox opens or a user should click "Play" button.

Continious Slide Show is used to show items in an unlimited way in slideshow mode. If this parameter is set to "Yes", the first item will be shown after the last item.

Continious navigation is used to show items in an unlimited way when "next"/"prev" navigation buttons are used (see elements #2 on the picture above).

z-Index is used to specify z-Index CSS property for lightbox container. It can be used if lightbox is overlapped with other element(s) on a page.

Theme indicates lightbox theme.

Emerge from indicates a position on which the lightbox starts to appear.

Show duration is a duration in milliseconds of showing animation. Use an integer number starts from 1.

Close duration is a duration in milliseconds of closing animation. Use an integer number starts from 1.

Move duration is a duration in milliseconds of moving animation. Use an integer number starts from 1.

Move effect is an animation effect which is used when the lightbox is moving.

Resize duration is an animation effect which is used when the lightbox is resizing. Use an integer number starts from 1.

Resize effect is an animation effect which is used when the lightbox is resizing.

Shake distance is a "distance" of shake effect. Use an integer number.

Shake duration is a duration in milliseconds of shake effect.

Shake loops is a quantity of repetition of shake effect.

Shake effect is an animation effect which is used when the lightbox is shaking.

Auto play videos indicates if the extension should start YouTube, Vimeo and QuickTime videos when they are loaded into the lightbox or not.

wMode attribute is used to specify wMode parameter for Flash objects which are loaded into the lightbox.

Group is used to specify a group name for lightbox items. It is possible to navigate between Items from one group using ligtbox navigation buttons. If the parameter is empty, the extension generates group name automatically. Use this parameter if you want to join items from several module instances and provide navigation between them into the lightbox.

Thumbnails quality indicates quality (in percent) of auto-generated thumbnails. Use an integer number from 0 to 100.

Background is a background color of the lightbox.

Choose type indicates type of content which will be shown into the lightbox. The module can work with the next content types:

1. Image gallery to show images based on images from local folders;

2. Flickr gallery to show pictures from Flickr service;

3. Picasa gallery to show images from Picasa service;

4. Inline content to show an inline content;

5. Remote content to load an external page (YouTube, Vimeo, QuickTime, Flash of FLV files);

6. Module to load a Joomla! module;

7. Article to show Joomla! articles;