External pages

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Set activeType attribute to rcontent value if you want to show an external page (YouTube, Vimeo, QuickTime, SWF and FLV video) into the lightbox. A sample code looks like:

{arisexylightbox activeType="rcontent" width="800" height="600" url="http://www.ari-soft.com" title="ARI Soft"}

       Show ARI Soft site


Use links in the following format for the next types:

YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WyA1dzfKywg

{arisexylightbox activeType="rcontent" width="800" height="450" url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WyA1dzfKywg" title="Video"}

       Show YouTube video


Vimeo - http://vimeo.com/8245346

{arisexylightbox activeType="rcontent" width="500" height="350" url="http://vimeo.com/8245346" title="Video"}

       Show Vimeo video


QuickTime - http://trailers.apple.com/movies/universal/despicableme/despicableme-tlr1_r640s.mov

{arisexylightbox activeType="rcontent" width="640" height="375" url="http://trailers.apple.com/movies/universal/despicableme/despicableme-tlr1_r640s.mov" title="Video"}

       Show QuickTime video


Flash - http://www.adobe.com/products/flashplayer/include/marquee/design.swf

{arisexylightbox activeType="rcontent" width="792" height="294" url="http://www.adobe.com/products/flashplayer/include/marquee/design.swf" title="Video"}

       Show Flash object


FLV - http://www.domain.com/video/my_video.flv

{arisexylightbox activeType="rcontent" width="792" height="294" url="http://www.domain.com/video/my_video.flv" title="Video"}

       Show FLV file


The parameter on plugin settings are the same as parameter for ARI Sexy Lightbox module.

Attributes of {arisexylightbox} tag for remote content

width is a width of the lightbox. Values: enter an integer value (it will be value in pixels) or a value in percent (for example 90%).

{arisexylightbox activeType="rcontent" width="800" height="600" url="http://www.ari-soft.com" title="ARI Soft"}

       <img src="images/thumb01.jpg" />



{arisexylightbox activeType="rcontent" width="90%" height="600" url="http://www.ari-soft.com" title="ARI Soft"}

       Show ARI Soft site


height is a height of the lightbox. Values: enter an integer value (it will be value in pixels) or a value in percent (for example 60%).

{arisexylightbox activeType="rcontent" width="800" height="250" url="http://www.ari-soft.com" title="ARI Soft"}

       Show ARI Soft site



{arisexylightbox activeType="rcontent" width="800" height="80%" url="http://www.ari-soft.com" title="ARI Soft"}

       Show ARI Soft site


class is a CSS class which will be added to a link which will trigger the lightbox. It is useful If necessary add some styles for a link. Values: a string:

{arisexylightbox activeType="rcontent" width="700" height="550" class="myClass" url="http://www.ari-soft.com" title="ARI Soft"}

       Show ARI Soft site


link is a text of a link which will trigger the lightbox. Values: a string:

{arisexylightbox activeType="rcontent" width="700" height="550" link="Click me" url="http://www.ari-soft.com" title="Sample title"}{/arisexylightbox}

If you want to use a HTML code (for example use an image as a link), enter a link text between {arisexylightbox} and {/arisexylightbox} tags:

{arisexylightbox activeType="rcontent" width="700" height="550" title="Sample title"}

       <img src="images/thumb01.jpg" />


title is a lightbox titile. Values: a string.

{arisexylightbox activeType="rcontent" width="600" height="550" url="http://www.ari-soft.com" title="Sample title"}

       Show ARI Soft site
