Local images

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Use this data provider to select images which are located in folders (sub-folders) in Joomla! root directory.

On this page administrator can

  1. Create a new data source using "New" button.
  2. Edit an existing data source by clicking it's name or by selecting checkbox at left of appropriate data source and clicking "Edit" button.
  3. Remove data sources by selecting checkbox at left of appropriate data sources and clicking "Delete" button.

Create/edit data source

The following parameters can be defined for data source:


"image01.jpg","1st image","Description of the first image","http://www.ari-soft.com"

"image02.jpg","2nd image","Description of the second image","http://www.demo2.ari-soft.com"

The first row contains column names. "File" column is obligatory, other columns are optional. Use a separate row for each image. Place file name in "File" column (enter only file name like image01.jpg without path to folder or sub-folders). Values from "Title", "Description" and "Link" fields can be used by sliders, carousels and other similar extensions. OpenOffice application can be used to manage CSV files. If the file contains non-English characters, save it in UTF-8 encoding.

o Resize is used if want to create thumbnails saving aspect ratio.

▪ Resize method

- None -

Fit to viewport is used to fit thumbnails to a viewport based on values of "Thumbnail width" and "Thumbnail height" parameters.

Crop to viewport is used to crop thumbnails to a viewport based on values of "Thumbnail width" and "Thumbnail height" parameters.

o Crop is used if you want to create thumbnails as a part of original image. It starts to crop image from a start point (see "X coordinate" and "Y coordinate" parameters).

▪ X coordinate is an X coordinate of a start point.

▪ Y coordinate is an Y coordinate of a start point.

o Crop and resize is used if you want to create thumbnails in the next way: at first crop a part of an original image and then resize it.

▪ X coordinate is an X coordinate of a start point.

▪ Y coordinate is an Y coordinate of a start point.

▪ Crop width is a width of cropping area.

▪ Crop height is a height of cropping area.

Grayscale indicates if the thumbnails should be created with grayscale effect or not.

Rotate indicates if the thumbnails should be rotated or not.

Rotate settings are used to specify rotate settings.

o Fixed angle is used if you want to rotate all thumbnails to fixed angle.

▪ Angle is an rotation angle for thumbnails. Use an integer number from 0 to 360.

o Random angle is used if you want to rotate each thumbnail randomly. Rotate angle is generated randomly between Start angle and End angle range.

▪ Start angle

▪ End angle