"Fancybox" plugin

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"ARI Smart Content - Fancybox" plugin provides ability to show different content into fancy lightbox. The plugin can be enabled/disabled and configured on "Extensions → Plugin Manager" page on Joomla! backend. Common information how to use "ARI Smart Content" applications plugins is here. {fancybox} plugin tag is used for the plugin. The following code creates Show web page link and when it is clicked http://www.ari-soft.com web page will be shown into the lightbox:

{fancybox url="http://www.ari-soft.com" width="800" height="600"}Show web page{/fancybox}

If you want to use an image as a link which will trigger the lightbox, use HTML code between {fancybox} and {/fancybox} tags. For example want to use <joomla_directory>/images/preview.jpg image as a link, the code will look like:

{fancybox url="http://www.ari-soft.com" width="800" height="600"}<img src="images/preview.jpg" />{/fancybox}

If you use a WYSIWYG editor, switch it to plain text mode before inserting HTML code or use built-in functionality of the editor to insert an image between {fancybox} and {/fancybox} tags.

The following plugin codes can be used to show different content into the lightbox:

{fancybox twitpic="7p93st"}Show image from Twitpic{/fancybox}

If you want to show several images into the lightbox, separate IDs by spaces

{fancybox twitpic="7p93st eavclg"}Show images from Twitpic{/fancybox}

{fancybox ig="IejkuUGxQn"}Show image from Instagram{/fancybox}

If you want to show several images into the lightbox, separate IDs by spaces

{fancybox ig="IejkuUGxQn sNMh0qNUrt"}Show images from Instagram{/fancybox}

{fancybox url="images/myimage.jpg"}Show image{/fancybox}

If you want to show several images into the lightbox, separate URLs by spaces

{fancybox url="images/myimage.jpg http://www.domain.com/photos/photo.jpg"}Show images{/fancybox}

It is possible to define different titles for each item. In this case define titles after || symbols and separate items with ; symbol and add parseLinks="1" parameter to {fancybox} tag:

{fancybox parseLinks="1" url="images/myimage.jpg||title 1;http://www.domain.com/photos/photo.jpg||title 2"}Show images{/fancybox}

Use itemSeparator and paramSeparator parameters of {fancybox} tag to define different separators (instead of default ; and || separators):

{fancybox parseLinks="1" itemSeparator="~" paramSeparator="@@" url="images/myimage.jpg@@title 1~http://www.domain.com/photos/photo.jpg@@title 2"}Show images{/fancybox}

{fancybox dailymotion="xoeylt_electric-guest-this-head-i-hold_music"}Show video from Dailymotion{/fancybox}

If you want to show several videos into the lightbox, separate IDs by spaces.

{fancybox metacafe="11311715"}Show video from Metacafe{/fancybox}

If you want to show several videos into the lightbox, separate IDs by spaces.

{fancybox vimeo="36031564"}Show video from Vimeo{/fancybox}

If you want to show several videos into the lightbox, separate IDs by spaces.

{fancybox yt="WyA1dzfKywg"}Show video from YouTube{/fancybox}

If you want to show several videos into the lightbox, separate IDs by spaces.

{fancybox url="http://maps.google.com/maps?q=Eiffel+Tower,+Avenue+Gustave+Eiffel,+Paris,+France&t=h&z=17"}Show Google map{/fancybox}

{fancybox url="http://www.ari-soft.com http://www.demo2.ari-soft.com"}Show web pages{/fancybox}

{fancybox article="13 11"}Show articles{/fancybox}

{fancybox module="16" opt_width="300" opt_height="250"}Show module{/fancybox}

{fancybox}{link}Show inline content{/link}{content}<h3>sample content</h3>You can place any content here.{/content}{/fancybox}

Plugin settings

The following parameters can be defined on plugin settings page ("Extensions → Plugin Manager → ARI Smart Content - Fancybox" page on Joomla! backend):

Plugin code syntax

The following attributes can be used for {fancybox} tag:

{fancybox padding="5,10,5,10" url="http://www.ari-soft.com" width="800" height="600"}Show web page{/fancybox}

{fancybox margin="25,50,25,50" url="http://www.ari-soft.com" width="800" height="600"}Show web page{/fancybox}