"ARI Smart Book" plugin

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The plugin is used to embed books into Joomla! articles or other content. It also supports ability to create books based on pages which are defined between plugin code.

The plugin is located in com_arismartbook.zip archive. Unzip it and see "addons" folder.

How to use

Enter the following plugin code in place where you want to show a book:

{arismartbook id="BOOKID"}

Where BOOKID is ID of the book which you want to load. For example the following code embed the book with ID equals to 14:

{arismartbook id="14"}

If want to create a book from inline source, use the following plugin code:


page 1


page 2


page 3




page N


Where <PAGE_BREAK> is a page break which added by "Page Break" button in an editor. It is replaced with <hr class="system-pagebreak" /> HTML code.

Use templateId parameter of {arismartbook} tag to select which template will be used for a book. For example:

{arismartbook templateId="3"}

page 1


page 2


page 3
